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About the School

School of Chemical Engineering (SChE) was established in November, 2015 under the faculty of Engineering. Chemical engineering is concerned with large scale chemical and biochemical processes in which materials undergo a series of changes. This means everything from a small batch production to large scale equipment needed to make commodity chemicals and polymers. Our course will equip chemical engineering students with an ability to establish a career in the chemical and process industries. 

We provide the learning and tools required in allowing our students to design process equipment, in understanding the reaction mechanisms taking place in various process industries and in the installation of computer control systems with chemical plants for achieving quality products. Our undergraduate students will learn the techniques that are imperative in efficiently operating the chemical plants. 

Our prime objective is to produce a professional education in chemical engineering that will cater to all demands of our industry in Pakistan. The teaching staff at the School of Chemical Engineering is highly qualified and competent along with the very dedicated and exceptionally capable of shaping the future of undergraduate students of the Chemical Engineering discipline. 

Chemical Engineering is a challenging, rewarding, and highly respected field and is regarded one of the broadest engineering disciplines. Our engineers are employed in a broad range of technical areas such as research organizations, multinational companies, local industries and academia. 

The School of Chemical Engineering has state-of-the-art labs for undergraduate programs. Its lecture halls and offices, are centrally air conditioned which provide conducive environment for students and the faculty.


  1. Faculty is qualified from the local universities as well as from foreign universities of international repute. Presently there are two (2) faculty members, holding Ph.D. degrees. Six (6) of our faculty members are holding M.Sc. degrees in Chemical Engineering.
  2. State of the art undergraduate chemical Engineering laboratories have been established. These laboratories have been developed in collaboration and guidance by industry.
  3. Integration of modern/advanced tools in teaching.
  4. Allocated significant budget to buy and upgrade the research/undergraduate laboratories.
  5. Regular industrial and excursion/recreational visits are organized for undergraduate students.
  6. School has a Board of Studies (BoS) to approve any change in the curriculum after Consultation with Industrial Advisory Board (IAB).


Since its inception SChE has been upgrading its program according to international standards and contributes to the availability of the latest equipment in the field of Chemical Engineering. Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has already Accredited Sessions 2015 & Session 2016 of the School of Chemical Engineering under level-I and for Sessions 2017, 2018 & 2019 under level-II of the PEC OBA Accreditation Manual.


In line with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)'s guidelines, rules & regulations, School of Chemical Engineering (SChE), MUL has completely switched to Outcome Based Education (OBE).

On the base of University's Mission and Vision, the Missions & Vision of School are developed with the consensus of stakeholders. The program offered by SChE has specific program educational objectives (PEOs). These objectives are aligned with university and School's Mission & Vision statements. The Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) or Graduate Attributes (GAs) are attained with collective course learning outcomes (CLOs). 

Outcome Based Education System is based on Washington Accord (WA), established in 1989, is an international agreement or engineering alliance among bodies responsible for accrediting engineering degree programs in their countries. The objective was to recognize the international equivalency of engineering degree which means that graduates of any of the signatory bodies are recognized by other member bodies as having met the academic requirements for the entry to the practice of engineering. Hence, engineering graduates are accepted for practice of engineering profession and further qualification in other countries.

Pakistan became the full signatory member of Washington Accord on June 21, 2017 with the efforts of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) to regulate the profession of engineering in Pakistan on international standards.

However, the umbrella of WA has obliged the PEC to adopt and implement international standards of Quality Assurance as recommended by Washington Accord for accreditation of all engineering programs in Pakistan. For this purpose, PEC has revised its accreditation system and issued a new accreditation manual (version 2014) in light of the requirements of WA. This manual has now become a mandatory requirement to implement for accreditation of all engineering programs in Pakistan. PEC's new accreditation process is based on a framework called Outcome-based Education (OBE). Implementation of OBE system is the mandatory requirement for any HEI seeking accreditation by PEC while no OBE means no accreditation by PEC. For effective implementation of OBE, multiple criterions/standards related to quality assurance need to be implemented by any HEI for accreditation of its engineering programs.

OBE is an advanced model of education focused on achieving desired goals and outcomes. 
  1. The outcomes are specified in terms of students' learning by using statements about what the student will be able to know, understand or do at the end of learning period
  2. Outcomes are do-able, observable and measurable
  3. Learning activities are aligned with the outcomes to help the student to reach these outcomes
  4. Different assessment methods are used to measure the extent to which the intended outcomes are achieved by the students
  5. If the outcomes achieved by a student are below a threshold, students are placed into a Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) process
  6. Three Learning Outcomes are assessed in a student during and after graduation in order to meet the OBE system's criteria
  7. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are assessed by direct and indirect methods. For calculating attainment in direct method these PEOs are mapped with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) / Graduate Attributes (GAs) which are assessed in courses of Engineering Program. While for indirect assessment industrial/ employer and alumni feedbacks are received
  8. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) / Graduate Attributes (GAs) are assessed directly in courses of Engineering Program and are mapped to Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) which are specific objectives of any course
  9. Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) are specific objectives of any course which are defined on the basis of Course Content provided in the curriculum and are assessed directly by using different assessment schemes


The SChE strives to train and educate students in the fields of Chemical Engineering for their future role to contribute in academia, research, business and industry. We will ensure that our alumni benefit society on local, national and global scale. 


The mission of the School of Chemical Engineering is to develop and disseminate the understanding of designing and operations of chemical processes so that our graduates can excel in academia, research, business and industry.

Mapping of PEOs & SChE's Vision & Mission with Vision and Mission of the University is provided in following Table.
  PEO-1  PEO-2  PEO-3  PEO-4  SChE 
MUL's Vision:
We are committed to creating a conducive learning environment that enables our students to embark on a journey of intellectual, social, spiritual and personal transformation. We will ensure that our alumni benefit society on local, national and global scale. The university's distinctive system of education and training will offer a source of strength.
   ✓    ✓    ✓    ✓    ✓    ✓
 MUL's Mission:
With exposure to new ideas and critical ways of thinking and learning, students actualize their potential for intellectual and human development. Future leaders are nurtured to be tolerant, humane and productive beings so that they are in a position to make a positive contribution to the nation and the international community. We believe that our students' character and attitude reflect their education. 
   ✓    ✓    ✓    ✓    ✓    ✓


Program learning outcomes or Graduate Attributes are provided by PEC for any Engineering Program. PLOs/GA's are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire in their education through the program. Generally, PLOs do not specify curriculum, but more general areas of learning.
Sr.#  PLO / GA  Description 
1 Engineering Knowledge  An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems 
2 Problem Analysis  An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences 
Design/ Development 
of Solutions 
An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations 
4 Investigation  An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions 
5 Modern Tools  An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations 
6 The Engineer and 
An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems 
7 Environment and 
An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development 
8 ETHICS  Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice 
9 Individual and Team 
An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings 
10 Communication  An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions 
11 Project Management  An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one's own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment 
12 Lifelong Learning  An ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological development
  PEC Graduate Attributes/PLOs PEOs 
PEO 1  PEO 2  PEO 3  PEO 4 
PLO 1 Engineering Knowledge     
PLO 2 Problem Analysis     
PLO 3 Design/Development of Solutions   
PLO 4 Investigation     
PLO 5 Modern Tool Usage   
PLO 6 The Engineer and Society   
PLO 7 Environment and Sustainability   
PLO 8 Ethics     
PLO 9 Individual and Team Work    
PLO 10 Communication    
PLO 11 Project Management     
PLO 12 Lifelong Learning 


In the light of Pakistan Engineering Council Policy (Letter NO. PEC/EAD/45-VCCM/Edu.Policy/2022, Dated August 31, 2022) received on September 05, 2022, School of Chemical Engineering, MUL has devised its following admission policy for Admissions in B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Program. 
  1. F.Sc. Pre-Engineering/ Relevant Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE)/A level: Admissions are offered to all Engineering programs through open competition amongst all candidates having at least 60% marks in F.Sc. Pre-Engineering, relevant three years DAE or in A-level. 
  2. An applicant must appear for the Entry test being conducted by following designated entities; 
  3. UET Lahore in Punjab Province. 
  4. NED UET Karachi in Sindh (urban) and MUET Jamshoro for Sindh (Rural). 
  5.  NUST for Federal Capital including AJK & GB. 
  6. NTS in Baluchistan Province. 
  7. ETEA in KPK Province. 
Note: Passing marks in the entry test will be minimum 33 %.


In order to reinforce the class room learning environment, School of Chemical Engineering arranges laboratory sessions for its students with in various courses. The purpose of these labs is to make sure that the theory and principles learnt during the lecture hours are practically verified. Each lab session is comprised of 3 hours. The labs are supervised by the course instructor and conducted by an expert lab engineer. The School of Chemical Engineering has a range of laboratories for both teaching and research. The laboratories have advanced equipment for processing of many types of analyses, testing and investigation facilities. The list of laboratories currently housed within the chemical engineering department is given below:

The list of Chemical Engineering laboratories are as follows;
Sr.# Laboratory Name
1 Chemical Process Technology
2 Physical Chemistry
3 Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
4 Mass Transfer
5 Heat Transfer
6 Simultaneously Heat and Mass Transfer
7 Particulate Solids
8 Engineering Thermodynamics
9 Chemical Reaction Engineering
10 Instrumentation and Process Control
11 Fluid Mechanics
12 Engineering Workshop
13 Fuels and Energy
14 Applied Physics
15 Engineering Drawing
16 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
17 Computer Fundamentals and Programming
18 Numerical Methods & Software Applications
19 Chemical Process Design and Simulation

Head`s Message

Engr. Dr. Naeem Akram

Engr. Dr. Naeem Akram


As the Head of the School of Chemical Engineering at Minhaj University Lahore, I am honoured to highlight the importance of chemical engineers in shaping our world as it plays a vital role in designing sustainable solutions, addressing environmental challenges, and advancing technology. Our school is accredited by the Pakistan Engineering Council under level -II of the Washington Accord, demonstrating our commitment to providing high-quality education that meets international standards. Our state-of-the-art laboratories and highly qualified faculty members ensure that students gain practical experience, theoretical knowledge, and exposure to current industry trends. We have a very reasonable fee structure, which enables the students from all backgrounds to pursue their passion for chemical engineering. Join us at the School of Chemical Engineering, Minhaj University Lahore, and unlock your potential to make a difference in the world. Together, we can create a brighter and more sustainable future through the power of chemical engineering.

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PEO 1: Success in Chemical Engineering Areas
With the exposure to new ideas of Chemical Engineering and critical way of thinking & learning, Engineers have solid foundation of Engineering Knowledge and are able to solve engineering problems. This is achieved by SChE's distinctive education & training 

PEO 2: Innovation Ability and Contribution to Society
Graduates can actualize their potential to rapidly changing environment by learning new skills, modern tools and advanced technologies. Engineers are able to benefit society at local & international levels

PEO 3: Excel in professional ethics, teamwork, and leadership qualities
Engineers & Leaders are tolerant, ethical, humane and productive with professionalism, teamwork and leadership qualities. They are on journey of social, spiritual and personal transformation. 

PEO 4: Continued Professional Development
Students attained a sense of self evaluation, self-accountability with character & attitude that reflects their education & training. MUL's education system made them to continue life by technical & professional development. 

Salient Features

  • Accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council under Level- II of Outcome-Based Assessment (OBA).
  • International equivalency of the engineering degree for 26 countries worldwide as per the Washington Accord.
  • The outcome-Based Education (OBE) System enables future graduates to focus on problem-based learning (PBL).
  • Arrangements of Internships and visits to the leading industries.
  • Industrial liaison through the powerful Industrial Advisory Board (IAB).
  • Modern & state-of-the-art laboratories in the town.
  • Classrooms are equipped with modern teaching tools.
  • State of the art robotic and digital library.
  • Dedicated, qualified, experienced, and competent faculty members.
  • Strong international research linkages.
  • Arrangements for Job Placement.


Research Collaborations with Xinjiang Energy and Xinjiang University, China


Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
“Synthesis and Characterization of thermo physical properties of phthalic anhydride glycerol Resin (PAGR) from soybean oil”
Year of Publication: 1970
“Removal of Para Chlorophenol (PCP) From Wastewater Using Aluminium/Graphite Electrode by Electrochemical Method”
Year of Publication: 1970
Designing efficient materials for high-performance organic solar cells: Detailed chemical space exploration, machine learning and virtual screening
Journal Name: Chemical Physics Letters
Volume # 834 Page # 140974 Year of Publication: 2023
The importance of deprotonation of copper oxyhydroxide on its activity towards water oxidation reactions
Journal Name: Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
Volume # 40 Issue # 11 Page # 2751-2758 Year of Publication: 2023
Industrial Wastewater Treatment by using Graphite Intercalation Compounds as an Adsorbent
Journal Name: Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Volume # 42 Year of Publication: 2023
Ag2O Modified CuO Nanosheets as Efficient Difunctional Water Oxidation Catalysts”
Journal Name: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry
Year of Publication: 2022
Ag2O modified CuO nanosheets as efficient difunctional water oxidation catalysts
Journal Name: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
Volume # 433 Page # 114166 Year of Publication: 2022
Synthesis of Hollow Cu@Cu3-xP Core-Shell Nanostructure as Dual-functional Catalyst with Copper Vacancy for Enhancing Chemical Reduction and Photocatalytic Performance
Journal Name: Applied Surface Science
Year of Publication: 2022
Photocatalytic Performance and Mechanism of Hydrogen Evolution from Water over ZnCdS/Co@CoO in Sacrificial Agent-free System
Year of Publication: 2022
Establishment of Integrated Analysis Method for Probing and Reconstructing Hydrogenation Mechanism of a Model Reaction
Journal Name: Catalysts
Year of Publication: 2022
Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-ion Batteries: A Critical Review
Journal Name: Resources, Conservation & Recycling
Volume # 180 Issue # 106164 Year of Publication: 2022
Journal Name: ImasCongres
Volume # 2 Page # 1250-1257 Year of Publication: 2022
Novel corona virus disease (COVID-19): An updated review on epidemiology, pathogenicity, clinical course, treatments, migrant health concerns and risk factors predictions
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume # 34 Page # 1807-1822 Year of Publication: 2021
Enhanced Synergistic Catalysis of Novel Ag2O/CuO Nanosheets Under Visible Light Irradiation for the Photo-decomposition of Organic Pollutants”
Journal Name: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Year of Publication: 2021
Insight of organic molecule dissolution and diffusion in cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane using molecular simulation
Journal Name: Journal of Membrane Science
Volume # 620 Page # 118863 Year of Publication: 2021
Synergistic Catalysis of Fe3O4/CuO Bimetallic Catalyst Derived from Prussian Blue Analogues for the Efficient Decomposition of Various Organic Pollutants
Journal Name: Chemical Physics
Year of Publication: 2021
Coordinate covalent grafted ILs-modified MIL-101/PEBA membrane for pervaporation: Adsorption simulation and separation characteristics
Journal Name: Journal of Membrane Science
Volume # 619 Page # 118807 Year of Publication: 2021
A Comprehensive Review of the Advancement in Recycling the Anode and Electrolyte from Spent Lithium Ion Batteries
Journal Name: Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Volume # 8 Page # 13527-13554 Year of Publication: 2020
In-situ SIFSIX-3-Cu growth into melamine formaldehyde sponge monolith for CO2 efficient capture
Journal Name: Separation and Purification Technology
Volume # 233 Page # 116042 Year of Publication: 2020
Synergistic catalysis of Co(OH)2/CuO for the Degradation of organic pollutant Under Visible Light irradiation
Journal Name: Scientific Nature
Year of Publication: 2020
Combustion modeling and simulation of recycled Anode off gas from solid oxide fuel cell
Year of Publication: 2025
Highly selective and robust PDMS mixed matrix membranes by embedding two-dimensional ZIF-L for alcohol permselective pervaporation
Journal Name: Journal of Membrane Science
Volume # 582 Page # 307-321 Year of Publication: 2019
In situ fabrication of MOF nanoparticles in PDMS membrane via interfacial synthesis for enhanced ethanol permselective pervaporation
Journal Name: Journal of Membrane Science
Volume # 573 Page # 344-358 Year of Publication: 2018
Deploying Turbulent Jet Fluid under Gullwing to Enhance Extraction/Separation Processes for Chemicals
Year of Publication: 2025
Wastewater treatment of textile industry via adsorption and electrochemical regeneration
Journal Name: Int Conf Adv Environ Res
Volume # 87 Page # 13-9 Year of Publication: 2015
Phase equilibrium of CO2 and organic sulfur species in Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) aqueous solution; Study of Acid gases loading effect on the partition coefficient of n-Propylmercaptan
Year of Publication: 2025
Development of an inclined Plate Extractor –Separator for Immiscible Liquids
Year of Publication: 2025
Selection of Tube Material in A Corrosion Affected Condenser of A Power House (Part-II)
Year of Publication: 2025
“Selection of heat stainless steel exchangers”
Year of Publication: 2025
“Selection of Tube Material in A Corrosion Affected Condenser of A Power House (Part-I)”
Year of Publication: 2025
“Safe level of chloride ions in wash water prior to epoxy coating on steel substrates for oil and gas storage/ transmission”
Year of Publication: 2025
Characterization of Mild Steel Pre Rusted and Rust converted Surfaces through Advanced Electrochemical Analysis
Year of Publication: 2025
“Characterization of Mild Steel Pre Rusted and Rust converted Surfaces through Advanced Electrochemical Analysis”
Year of Publication: 2025
“Coating Degradation at Tank Bottom due to Settled Water”
Year of Publication: 2025
“Decloroziation and removal of Cod and Bod from Raw and Biotreated Textile Dye Bath effluent through advanced oxidation processes (AOPS)”
Year of Publication: 2025
M.Tahir Butt, Anwar Saeed Ahmed, Farooq Taj and Karamat. “Assessment Of Pollution Load on under Ground Water In District Gujrat due to chloride, iron, fluoride and nitrate. Pakistan journal of Science Vol. 58 No. 304 Page No. 116-120, March 2007
Year of Publication: 2025
Sameer Ahmed, M. Tariq Saeed and Farooq Taj. “Development in Coal Desulphurization”; Part-III, Pak. J. Sci. Res. Lahore Vol. 57. No1-2, Page No. 31-36 2006
Year of Publication: 2025
Sameer Ahmed, M. Tariq Saeed and Farooq Taj. “Development in Coal Desulphurization”; Part-I, Pak. J. Sci. Res. Lahore Vol. 57. No1-2, Page No. 19-27 2005
Year of Publication: 2025
“Sameer Ahmed, M. Tariq Saeed and Farooq Taj. Fluidized bed combustion of Low – Grade Coals with Limestone”;Vol. 57, No..1 – 2, 2005, Nov. 11, 2004.
Year of Publication: 2025
“A review Report on Corrosion of Iron and Steel”
Year of Publication: 2025
“The Kinetics and Solvent Extraction of Metals in Hydrometallurgical Processes”
Year of Publication: 2025
Revised Techno Economic Feasibility Report on commercial Dehydration of Vegetables, 2002.
Year of Publication: 2025
Technical Report: Processing of citrus juice, 2002.
Year of Publication: 2025
Ahmed, A.S., Akhter, M., Shaheen, M.Y., and Taj, F. 2002. Separation of mixture of m-cresol and p-cresol by dissociation extraction. Pak. J. Sci. Res. 45 (5) 302-307.
Year of Publication: 2025
Mechanical design of p-amino phenol reaction vessel (capacity 1 ton/batch), 2002.
Year of Publication: 2025
Production of Oyster Mushroom: Techno Economic Feasibility Report, 2002.
Year of Publication: 2025
Production of zinc Ethylene bisdithiocarbonate (ZINEB), 2001. Pages: 59
Year of Publication: 2025
“Mass Transfer Parameters for a Reactive System in an Extraction Column”
Year of Publication: 2025
Deodorization of Kerosene Oil (One ton/day), 2001. Pages: 11
Year of Publication: 2025
Production of activated carbon from Agro waste and inferior woods, 2000. Pages: 14
Year of Publication: 2025
Ahmad, A.S., Taj, F., Shaheen, M.Y., and Akhtar, M. 1999. Design and operation of a vertical multistage mixer settler. H.P.I. Ch. E. 28(1-4), 23.
Year of Publication: 1999
Taj, F., Tariq, M.A., Saeed, M.T., and Hussain, L. 1999. Mass transfer study of CO2 (g) into aqueous solution of BaS in continuous stirred tank reactor. Sci. Int. (Lahore), 11(4), 361-362.
Year of Publication: 1999
Regeneration of used engine oil, 1999. Pages: 18
Year of Publication: 1999
Ahmad, A.S., Taj, F., Shaheen, M.Y., and Akhtar, M. 1999. Design and operation of a vertical multistage mixer settler. H.P.I. Ch. E. 28(1-4), 23.
Year of Publication: 1999
Technical report on Magnesium Sterate, 1998. Pages: 6
Year of Publication: 1998
Ch. S.M., Saeed, M.T., Taj, F., and Butt, M.A. 1996. Filtration characteristics of compressible slurries. J.P.I. Che. E., XXIV, (1-2), 85-89.
Year of Publication: 1996
Ch. S.M., Saeed, M.T., Taj, F., and Butt, M.A. 1996. Filtration characteristics of compressible slurries. J.P.I. Che. E., XXIV, (1-2), 85-89.
Year of Publication: 1996
Jamil, M. Saeed, M.T., Taj, F., and Butt, M.A. 1996. Heat transfer in low rate evaporation from rising film Part-I, Mechanism and average transfer coefficients. J.P.I. Ch.E., XXIII,(1-2), 65-71.
Year of Publication: 1996
Design and Fabrication of rotary drum vacuum filter, 1995. Pages: 62
Year of Publication: 1995
“Velocity study in the extraction zone of the Gullwing Contactor”
Year of Publication: 1994
Saeed, M.T. Taj, F., and Jamil, M. 1994. Modeling of mass transfer in the solvent extraction of Zinc by Di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate. Sci. Int., Lahore. 6(4), 303-306.
Year of Publication: 1994
Taj, F., Ahmed, S., Tariq, M.A., and Hussain, L. 1994 Optimal flow art of gas in semi-batch gas-liquid reactors. Pak.J.Sci. Ind. Res. 37(1-7) 18-23
Year of Publication: 1994
Design of Centrifugal Pump, 1994. Pages: 60
Year of Publication: 1994
“Development of Novel Mini-Hydrocyclone Contactor/Separator”
Year of Publication: 1994
Gas-liquid reaction study in semi batch reactor, 1994. Pages:26
Year of Publication: 1994
“Drop Size Correlations in Liquid-Liquid Dispersions Part-II: Drop Formation by Jet Breakup”
Year of Publication: 1970
“Effect of Mass Transfer Direction on Drop Size in a Liquid- Liquid Extraction Spray Column”
Year of Publication: 1970
Taj. F., Tariq, M.A., Jamil, M., and Saeed, M.T. 1993. Kinetic regimes modeling in semi-batch gas-liquid contactors. Sci. Int. (Lahore) 5(4), 371-379.
Year of Publication: 1993
“The Design of a Novel Continuous Counter Current Extractor/Separator with Mini-Hydrocyclones”
Year of Publication: 1993
Muhammad Jamil, M.Tariq Saeed. A.S. Ahmed and Farooq Taj. 1993-1994. Determination of Heat Trasnfer Coefficient in Concentric Tube System with Uniform Heat Flux. Vol. XXI-XXII (71-74)
Year of Publication: 1993
Design of Ball mill for grinding Bayrite ore, 1993. Pages: 10
Year of Publication: 1993
“Design of a Novel Jet System using gullwings”
Year of Publication: 1993
“Drop Size Correlations in Liquid-Liquid Dispersions Part-I: Drop Formation at Low Velocities (Single Drop Region)”
Year of Publication: 1970
“Concentration Profile Calculations in a Differential Contactor”
Year of Publication: 1970
“Experimental results from the Gullwing Contactor/Separator”
Year of Publication: 1991
“Review on Liquid-Liquid Extraction Journal of the Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineer”
Year of Publication: 1970
“Flow Visualization in Liquid-Liquid Systems”
Year of Publication: 1970
“Turbulent Liquid Jets in Immiscible liquid Systems”
Year of Publication: 1970
“Behaviour of Dispersion Band in Mixer of Mixer-Settler Apparatus”
Year of Publication: 1984
“Comparison of Coalescence Velocities in Mixer-Settler”
Year of Publication: 1984
“Estimation of Payout Period”
Year of Publication: 1983
“Heat Transfer Across Tube Banks”
Year of Publication: 1983
“Effect of Agitation on Coalescence Phenomena in a Mixer-Settler”
Year of Publication: 1982
“Heat Transfer Across Single Cylinder under Forced Convection”
Year of Publication: 1982
Taj, F. and Young, M.J. 1989. Modeling and optimization of semi-batch gas-liquid reactors. Inst. Chem. Engrs, Manchester, Symp. Paper Series, 11.
Year of Publication: 1981
Material Science VoI.I, Engr. Dr. Farooq Taj, Engr. Dr. Anwar Saeed. Pages: 125,
Technical Drawing Vol- I, Dr. Farooq Taj, M. Shafi Jawaid Bhutta Pages: 112
Workshop Technology Vol.-II. Dr. Farooq Taj, M. Shafi Jawaid Bhutta. Pages: 153.
Production of para-amino phenol from para-hydroxylazo benezene (one ton/ day), 2001. Pages: 49
Material Science – II revised by Engr. Dr. Farooq Taj & Dr. Anwar Saeed.
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