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BS Criminology and Forensic Sciences


Bachelor of Science (BS) programs in Criminology and Forensic Science is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the criminal justice system, crime prevention, investigation techniques, and the scientific methods used in solving crimes. The rationale for offering these programs is grounded in several key factors:


  • To address the complex challenges of crime and justice in society.
  • To equip students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical framework needed to contribute to crime prevention, investigation, and the administration of justice while advancing the field through research and innovation.
  • To develop and use criminological imagination to think about problems of crime and justice in new ways, going beyond everyday understandings.
  • To demonstrate the ideas about what a crime is and what it is not often contested as crime
  • To deliver the understanding what criminologists ‘do’ and broad ideas in forensic science related to investigation, prosecution and trial.

Career Path

  • Police Officer
  • Criminal Investigator
  • Federal Agent
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Legal Consultant
  • Correctional Officer
  • Private Investigator
  • Research Analyst
  • Academic Instructor
  • Crime Prevention Specialist
  • Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Policy Analyst
  • Advocacy Coordinator

Fee Structure BS Criminology and Forensic Sciences

BS Criminology and Forensic Sciences
Duration 4 Years
Total Semester 8
Total Package 669,304
At Admission Time 28,500
Additional Charges at the time of Admission 2,700
Examination Fee 3,500
Total Amount (At Admission) 31,200
Installment 40269 * 16
Additional Charges at the time of Admission
Web Portal fee per year for Learning Management Syste 0
Library Security Fee (Refundable) 2,000
Student Card 200
Library & Magazine Fund 500
Total Additional Charges 2,700
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