Associate Degree in Biology


The program equips students with a solid foundation in core biological concepts such as cell biology, genetics, ecology, evolution, and physiology. This knowledge serves as the basis for understanding more specialized topics within the field. Biology intersects with various other disciplines such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, and environmental science. The program often incorporates interdisciplinary coursework to help students appreciate the interconnectedness of different scientific fields and apply diverse methodologies to biological research.


At the end of four years BS program, the graduates should have strong understanding of:
  • To provide students with a strong foundation in core biological concepts, theories, and 
  • methodologies through rigorous coursework, lectures, and laboratory experiences.
  • To equip students with hands-on laboratory techniques, fieldwork skills, and quantitative methods 
  • necessary for conducting scientific research, data analysis, and experimentation.
  • To promote ethical awareness and responsible conduct in scientific research and professional 
  • practice, emphasizing principles of integrity, honesty, and respect for life and the environment.
  • To prepare students for diverse career pathways in biology, healthcare, biotechnology, education, 
  • environmental science, and other related fields, as well as for advanced study in graduate or 
  • professional programs.

Fee Structure Associate Degree in Biology

Associate Degree in Biology
Duration 2 Years
Total Semester 4
Total Package 281,600
At Admission Time 28,500
Additional Charges at the time of Admission 2,700
Examination Fee 3,500
Total Amount (At Admission) 31,200
Installment 32075 * 8
Additional Charges at the time of Admission
Web Portal fee per year for Learning Management Syste 0
Library Security Fee (Refundable) 2,000
Student Card 200
Library & Magazine Fund 500
Total Additional Charges 2,700
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