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Advanced Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management


Advanced Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management, a 16-months diploma program prepares the students to secure managerial positions, executive roles or specialized roles within the industry, and equips them with entrepreneurial skills as well. In addition, it is also designed to develop independent research and study skills required when working at senior managerial level in the industry

Fee Structure Advanced Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Advanced Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management
Duration 16 Months
Total Semester 3
Total Package 236,800
At Admission Time 28,500
Additional Charges at the time of Admission 2,700
Examination Fee 3,500
Total Amount (At Admission) 31,200
Installment 35300 * 6
Additional Charges at the time of Admission
Web Portal fee per year for Learning Management Syste 0
Library Security Fee (Refundable) 2,000
Student Card 200
Library & Magazine Fund 500
Total Additional Charges 2,700
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