Muhammad Rafi Khan

Muhammad Rafi Khan
( Lecturer )

Contact Details

  • MPhil, Minhaj University Lahore (2020)

Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
Deconstructing the Problematic Roles of Pakistani Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Journal Name: Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações
Volume # 16 Issue # 1 Page # 102-128 Year of Publication: 2024
Coke Studio: A Strategic Tool for Pakistan's Cultural Diplomacy
Journal Name: Journal of Academic Research For Humanities (Jarh)
Volume # 3 Issue # 4 Page # 315–324 Year of Publication: 2023
Management of Coronavirus in Pakistan
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Science
Volume # 75 Issue # 2 Page # 308-315 Year of Publication: 2023
Origins of Zionism and Fate of the Contested City
Journal Name: Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Volume # 11 Issue # 1 Page # 39-48 Year of Publication: 2023
Quad: The US Strategic Alliance for the Indo-Pacific Region and the Chinese Counterbalance
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Volume # 3 Issue # 2 Page # 56-72 Year of Publication: 2022
حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ والٰہ وسلم بحیثیت خلیفۃ اللہ فی الارض
Journal Name: مجلہ معارف اولیا
Page # 111-116 Year of Publication: 2022
حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ والٰہ وسلم بحیثیت خلیفۃ اللہ فی الارض
Journal Name: مجلہ معارف اولیا
Page # 111-116 Year of Publication: 2022
Role of BRICS in Global Governance, Emphasizing Bilateral Trade
Journal Name: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government
Volume # 27 Issue # 6 Page # 1427-1441 Year of Publication: 2021
The Abraham Accords: Israel Resizing Spheres of Influence
Journal Name: Journal of Research Society of Pakistan
Volume # 58 Issue # 2 Year of Publication: 2021
Blue Economy and Pakistan’s Maritime Potential (Book Review))
Journal Name: International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Volume # 9 Issue # 1 Page # 51—53 Year of Publication: 2021
Power and Interdependence with Internet
Journal Name: Pakistan Social Sciences Review
Volume # 5 Issue # 1 Page # 1142-1152 Year of Publication: 2021
Year of Publication: 2013