Dr. Salman Amin

Dr. Salman Amin
( Assistant Professor )

Contact Details

  • Mass Communication, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad (2021)

Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
Social Media is a Blessing or Curse: Impact of Social Media Usage on Students’ Education
Volume # 9 Issue # 1 Page # 134-146 Year of Publication: 2022
Role of Social Media Reshaping the Personality and Psychological Effects on Youth
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Media Sciences (PJMS)
Volume # 3 Issue # 1 Page # 290-304 Year of Publication: 2022
Cellphone Uses and its Impact on our Society in the Present Era: A Case Study
Journal Name: Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences
Year of Publication: 2021
Inter Media Agenda Setting Research: An Analysis of Contemporary Methodological, Statistical Approaches and Data Collection Techniques
Journal Name: Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences
Year of Publication: 2021
Global Culture and the Media undermine our Culture: A Case of Urdu-Dubbed Turkish Dramas Effects on Pakistani Society
Journal Name: Global Mass Communication Review (GMCR)
Volume # 6 Issue # 2 Page # 36-43 Year of Publication: 2021
Global Culture and the Media undermine our Culture: A Case of Urdu-Dubbed Turkish Dramas Effects on Pakistani Society
Journal Name: Global Mass Communication Review
Volume # 6 Issue # 2 Page # 36-43 Year of Publication: 2021
Horrors of Class System: A Marxist Critique of Mansfield’s Doll’s House, published in Horrors of Class System: A Marxist Critique of Mansfield’s Doll’s House
Journal Name: Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies
Year of Publication: 2020
Reframing the debate: agendas, framing the governance issues and the politics in PMLN's government from 2013 to 2018
Journal Name: Gomal University Journal of Research
Year of Publication: 2020
Govenance, Corruption and the Media: Reflection of Corruption during the PML-Q and PML-N Political Regimes
Journal Name: Elementary Education Online Turkey
Year of Publication: 2020
Use of Internet for Education Learning among Female University Students of Punjab, Pakistan
Journal Name: Universal Journal of Educational Research
Year of Publication: 2020
Media Coverage on General Issues: A Constructionist Study of News Frames and Government Performance of PML-Q (2002-07)
Journal Name: Sir Syed Journal of Education in Social Research
Volume # 3 Issue # 2 Page # 25-33 Year of Publication: 2020
Good and Bad frames in the NewsCoverage of the Pakistan English Newspaper in the Regime of Pakistan Peoples Party from 2008 to 2013
Journal Name: Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies
Year of Publication: 2020