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5th World Islamic Economics and Finance Conference (WIEFC 2022)

Re-Evaluating the Islamic Finance in Post Pandemic Era: Social Finance, Digitalization & ESG Goals”

Minhaj University Lahore (MUL), with the collaboration of international organizations and institutions, is going to host an International Virtual Conference.
The theme of the 5th World Islamic Economics & Finance Conference 2022 is “Re-Evaluating the Islamic Finance in Post Pandemic Era: Social Finance, Digitalization & ESG Goals”. The 5th annual Conference is considered one of the most significant virtual gatherings of Scholars, Policymakers, and related celebrated personalities to discuss the role and issues of Islamic Economics and Finance. The certificates and other incentives will be awarded to the participants. Come and join us to get benefited from this unique opportunity. For Registration and other related information click the links below:


  1. Assessment of Islamic Financial Institutions in Post Pandemic Scenario
  2. Socio-Economic Challenges and Role of Islamic Finance Industry
  3. Islamic Finance and ESG goals
  4. Harnessing the Power of Islamic social finance in Post pandemic era
  5. Digitalization of Islamic Finance Industry: Myth or Reality?/ Banking Revolution Industry 4.0
  6. Challenges and solutions for Halal Industry in Post Pandemic Era
  7. Developemts of Islamic Fintech and Its Future
  8. Islamic Capital Market : Resilience and Growth in Post Pandemic Era
  9. Accounting, Governance and Legal Issues in Islamic Finance Industry
  10. Value Based Intermediation and Its Importance in Post pandemic era

For Further Details
Mr. Hasnsian Ali
Conference Secretariat
Minhaj University Lahore,
Punjab, Pakistan
Mobile: +923054727539


Minhaj University Lahore (MUL), with the collaboration of international organizations and institutions, is going to host an International Virtual Conference.