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Pay Fee through Mobile Banking Application

Minhaj University Lahore with the collaboration of FINJA Business is introducing a mobile banking Solution for the deposit of your fee without any hassle and inconvenience.

Steps for Deposting Fee:
1: Open your mobile app of under mentioned bank or Mobile wallet (Easy paisa) and click the following
2: Select the fund transfer.
3: Click FINJA Business
4: Enter your eleven-digit MUL Challan number to fetch your data
5: Enter Exact Fee Amount as per fee Voucher.
6. Press proceed and pay your fee

Affiliated Banks:
1.Meezan Bank
2.Bank Alfalah
3.Silk Bank
4.National Bank
5.Citi Bank
7.Sindh Bank
8.JS Bank
9.Bank Al Habib
10.Habib Metropoliton Bank
11.Sumit Bank
12.Telenor Microfinance (Easy Paisa)
13.Bank Islami

Minhaj University Lahore with the collaboration of FINJA Business is introducing a mobile banking Solution for the deposit of your fee without any hassle and inconvenience.