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Venue: Minhaj University Lahore

“Language & Literature: National & Regional Contemporary Perspective"

Sub Themes
1. Role of language and literature in peace and development
2. Role of language and literature in advancement of knowledge & culture
3. National perspective in research on language and literature
4. Linguistic imperialism & contemporary literature
5. Language & literature in universities: Standards & issues
6. Language & literature: Creative experience and commercialism
7. Significance of implementation of Urdu as official Language and contemporary demands
8. Dominant Contemporary narratives in Literature with the perspective of Science and Technology
9. Role of publishers and media in shaping language and literature
10. Role of translation in evolution of language & literature

Last date for submission of Abstract: February 15, 2020
Acceptance of abstracts (approx. 200 words): February 18, 2020
Last date for submission of full papers: February 25, 2020
Last date for registration: March 01, 2020

Registration Fees
Presenters Rs. 2000/
Non-Presenters Rs. 1500/

For Further Details:
Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Azmi 0300-6706373 (
Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad sadidi 0331-4373978 (
Mr. Irfan Abbas 0322-4815429 (

National Language & Literature Conference