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Course Dates: Dec 26-30, 2018
Reporting Time: 09:00 AM
Course Fee: PKR 20,000/-
(exclusive of any tax) including course material, food, training and examination.


The Global Halal market growth is surprising everyone.The Muslim population is growing at the exponential rate
of 3% per annum. Current total Muslims population is estimated at 1.8 billion, expected to reach 2.2 billion by 2030.International well known institutes are now predicted a double digit growth over next decade or so of the existing USD 5 trillion Halal Sector. Apart from the 1.5 billion Muslim population, the Halal Food is becoming popular among non-Muslims as well.This has created tremendous opportunities for Muslim countries, including Pakistan, to export Halal items be it Food, Beverages, Fashion, Pharmaceutical or follow Islamic Halal principles in
Recreation and Finance.Lack of Quality professionals is one of the main hindrances in the growth of the Sector in Pakistan. International Center of Excellence is organizing a five day high value Halal Lead Auditor course in
collaboration with Minhaj Halal Certification Bureau at Minhaj University Lahore on Dec 26-30, 2018.

  • Understand new requirements by the standards
  • Gain key tools and techniques for carrying out an effective audit
  • Provide clear understanding to Quality Managers, Shariah members, about their responsibilities for monitoring their HALAL system
Course Contents:
  • Shariah concepts and HALAL
  •  International overview of HALAL
  •  An introduction and explanation of HALAL PS:3733-2016
  •  Understanding the requirements of HALAL PS:3733-2016 and International Standards
  •  Clarification of new structure, terminology and concepts
  •  Explanation of the way how an effective audit is carried out and reported
  •  Audit planning
  •  Audit reporting, non-conformity writing
  • Case studies, exercises and workshop
Upon successful completion of this five  days course, the Participants will be:
  •  Capable to understand the requirements of HALAL PS:3733-2016 Standard
  •  Capable of performing effective audits of an organization's HALAL management system and lead the teams of auditors
  •  Designing and maintaining HALAL PS: 3733-2016 to the requirements of HALAL PS:3733-2016 Standard
  •  Able to analyze all the stages of audit from planning and preparations to follow up activities
  •  Learn to understand the psychological aspects of auditing, cultural considerations and their impact on communication

Lead Trainer 
Deputy Chief Executive (Northern Zone), Bureau Veritas Pakistan

Mr. Muhammad Iqbal​
Guest Speaker
Deputy Chief of Party, Winrock International Institute for Agriculture Development (USA based INGO)

Mr. Izhar-ul-haq Awan
Guest Speaker
Commercialization & Supply Chain Development  Manager, Pepsi Co International, Pakistan & Afghanistan CU

Contact Details:
Phone: +92.42.35114270
Mobile: +92.320.4121100, +92.340.3110700
Email: , 


The Global Halal market growth is surprising everyone. The Muslim population is growing at the exponential rate of 3% per annum. Current total Muslims population is estimated at 1.8 billion, expected to reach 2.2 billion by 2030. International well known institutes are now predicted a double digit growth over next decade or so of the existing USD 5 trillion Halal Sector. Apart from the 1.5 billion Muslim population, the Halal Food is becoming popular among non-Muslims as well. This has created tremendous opportunities for Muslim countries, including Pakistan, to export Halal items be it Food, Beverages, Fashion, Pharmaceutical or follow Islamic Halal principles in Recreation and Finance.