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Farid-e-Millat Research Institute

The strength of any revolutionary and intellectual institution rests in its thinktank and its intellectual assets. The realization of this need led to the establishment of Farid-e-Millat Research Institute (FMRI) in the light of the message of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). At FMRI, all levels of research work, namely the selection of the topic, material preparation, editing, and composing, are carried out under one roof. This is a rare facility that this centre enjoys. For the facilitation and enhancement of research work, Farid-e-Millat Library consists of over 150,000 rare and unique books on various topics of Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, and history. It provides phenomenal support to the intending researchers.  A good number of research magazines from all over the world are also accessible to complement the research.
In addition to the full-time researchers, distant-scholars are welcome here, who cannot come to Research Institute due to their engagements or other reasons. They can also participate in this blessed work through their creative contributions. People living outside Pakistan contribute their share in this regard. Moreover, the teachers of Minhaj University Lahore also carryout various research projects from time to time.

At FMRI, all levels of research work, namely the selection of the topic, material preparation, editing, and composing, are carried out under one roof.