Instructions for Registration:

1. Participants must be from the following Sessions ONLY. (Those who have completed their program)
Fall 2020 – 2022 & Spring 2021 - 2023 (ADP) - Spring 2019 – 2023 & Fall 2018 - 2022 (BS) - Fall 2020 – 2022 & Spring 2021 - 2023 (MA/MSc) - Fall 2020 – 2022 & Spring 2021 - 2023 (MS/MPhil)
2. Registration Fees Rs.3500/- (per person) must be deposited through Bank Deposits, Funds Transfer, ATM fund transfer, Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa etc. Bank details are given below.
3. Fill the Convocation Registration form carefully and accurately. Upload the proof of submitted payment (Screenshot or readable picture of payment slip) while filling the form.
4. Registration confirmation is subject to confirmation of payment by the Bank.
5. Gold Medalists are allowed to bring ONLY ONE family member without registration. However, if they want to bring TWO or more family members, they will have to pay their registration fees as well.
6. Registration fee for Family Member is Rs. 2500/-
7. Children are NOT allowed.
8. All the registered students must attend Convocation Rehearsal on Saturday 18th November 2023 at 12:00 pm in Minhaj University Lahore
9. The students can get their Entry Passes and Gowns at the Rehearsal Day. Gowns can be obtained by paying fees (Rs.1500/-) at the designated stalls:
i. Gown Charges Rs.400/-
ii. Security Fees (Refundable) Rs.1100/-

Bank Account Details
Transfer the Registration Fee (Rs.3500/-) to the following account:
Account number with IBAN: PK97ALFH5905005001503958

ACCOUNT #  5905005001503958
Bank: Bank Alfalah (Islamic)
Minhaj University, Lahore Branch

A time to reflect, a time to celebrate, a time to look forward.