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Best Papers Awards

1st Best Paper Award of 2nd Islamic Economics and Finance Conference 2019:
1,000 US dollars spncered by Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI)  Jeddah. 
Paper Topic: 
The Practice of Murabaha According to the AAOIFI Standard: Analysis on Islamic Banks in Pakistan.
Paper Presenter Name:
Mr. M. Shujaat Saleem

2nd Best Paper Award of 2nd Islamic Economics and Finance Conference 2019:
300 US dollars sponcered by Minhaj University Lahore
Paper Topic: 
Business Zakat Reporting of Islamic Financial Institution: Case studies in Malaysia 
Paper Presenter Name:
Teh Suhaila Tajuddin 

3rd Best Paper Award of 2nd Islamic Economics and Finance Conference 2019:
200 US dollars sponcered by Minhaj University Lahore
Paper Topic: 
The Role and Governance of Waqf for Achieving Poverty Alleviation and Social Justice in Islam: Case study of Indian Muslims
Paper Presenter Name:
Dr. Sameen Zafar

1st Best Paper Award of 2nd Islamic Economics and Finance Conference 2019: 1,000 US dollars spncered by Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) Jeddah. Paper Topic: The Practice of Murabaha According to the AAOIFI Standard: Analysis on Islamic Banks in Pakistan. Paper Presenter Name: Mr. M. Shujaat Saleem