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Dr. Tito Karnavian

Dr. Tito Karnavian

Peace and Counter Terrorism Studies
Prof. Dr. Rohan Gunaratna

Prof. Dr. Rohan Gunaratna

Peace and Counter Terrorism Studies
Prof. Dr. Hafeez Ahmed Pasha

Prof. Dr. Hafeez Ahmed Pasha

Economics & Finance
Dr. Afsar Rathor

Dr. Afsar Rathor

Political Science
Dr. Badrus Sholeh

Dr. Badrus Sholeh

International Relations
Dr. Ahmad El-Muhammady

Dr. Ahmad El-Muhammady

Peace and Counter Terrorism Studies
Mechthild Geyer

Mechthild Geyer

Political Science
Dr. Jan Ashik Ali

Dr. Jan Ashik Ali

Peace and Counter Terrorism Studies